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Portale storico della Camera dei deputati

Bibliografia del Parlamento

Riferimenti bibliografici relativi a libri ed articoli di periodici che hanno per oggetto il Parlamento italiano dalla concessione dello Statuto Albertino nel 1848 fino ai giorni nostri, la Consulta nazionale, l'Assemblea Costituente, nonchè gli studi in materia elettorale (leggi, procedure, comportamento), con riferimento alle elezioni politiche nello stesso periodo storico sia a livello nazionale che locale.
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  • Fasone Cristina
    The Italian Parliament facing the Covid-19 crisis : an example of parliamentary passivity? / Cristina Fasone
    In: Reflexiones para una democracia de calidad en una era tecnológica / Ángel Sánchez Navarro, Rosa María Fernández Rivera (directores). - Cizur Menor : Aranzadi, 2021. - p. 263-285

  • Falletta Pietro
    The transformative role of the Parliament in the Italian experience / Pietro Falletta
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 19-34. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Gianniti Luigi
    The 2016 attempted reform of the Italian Senate in a European perspective / Luigi Gianniti
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 305-315. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Romaniello Maria
    The Italian symmetrical bicameral system in EU affairs / Maria Romaniello
    In: The Italian Parliament in the European Union / edited by Nicola Lupo and Giovanni Piccirilli. - Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing, 2017. - p. 285-303. - (Parliamentary democracy in Europe)

  • Mecca Giuseppe
    The omnipotence of Parliament in the legitimisation process of ‘representative government’ under the Albertine Statute (1848–1861) / Giuseppe Mecca
    In: Reconsidering constitutional formation. 1: National sovereignty : A comparative analysis of the juridification by constitution / Ulrike Müßig editor. - [S.l.] : Springer, 2016. - p. 159-214
    The omnipotence of Parliament in the legitimisation process of ‘repres...

  • Rinella Angelo
    Parliamentarism and sovereignty : developing trends in a comparative perspective : the Italian case / Angelo Rinella
    In: Studi in onore di Giuseppe de Vergottini. - [s.l.] : Wolters Kluwer ; Cedam, 2015. - Vol. 2, p. 1215-1228

  • Soddu Francesco
    The Italian Parliament between the Nineteenth and the Twentieth century : paths of research / Francesco Soddu
    In: Ricordo di Antonio Marongiu : giornata di studio, Roma, 16 giugno 2009 / a cura di Maria Sofia Corciulo. - Soveria Mannelli : Rubbettino, 2013. - p. 115-121. - (Studies presented to the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions ; 92)

  • Venturini Fernando
    BPR: a bibliography of the Italian Parliament : the evolution from the book form to a digital library
    In: Assemblee rappresentative, autonomie territoriali, culture politiche = Representative assemblies, territorial autonomies, political cultures. . - Sassari : Editrice democratica sarda, 2011. - p. 183-190

  • Bartole Sergio
    The Italian case: bicameralism between constitutional reforms and defence of the status quo
    In: Bicamérisme et représentation des regions et des collectivités locales : le rôle des secondes chambres en Europe. - Paris : Sénat, 2008. - (Le colloques du Sénat : les actes)

  • Manetti Michela
    The italian-style federal Senate
    In: A world of second chambers : handbook for constitutional studies on bicameralism / edited by Jörg Luther, Paolo Passaglia, Rolando Tarchi. . - Milano : Giuffrè, 2006. - p. 829-858

  • Verzichelli Luca
    Italy : delegation and accountability in a changing parliamentary democracy
    In: Delegation and accountability in parliamentary democracies / edited by Kaare Strøm, Wolfgang C. Müller, Torbjörn Bergman. . - Oxford [etc.] : Oxford University press, 2003. - p. 445-473

  • Lodici Claudio
    Parliamentary autonomy : the Italian Senate
    In: Senates : bicameralism in the contemporary world. . - Columbus : Ohio State University Press, 1999. - p. 225-259

  • Corciulo Maria Sofia
    In: World encyclopedia of parliaments and legislatures / edited by George Thomas Kurian. . - Washington : Congressional Quarterly, 1998. - Vol. 2, p. 359-372

  • Della Sala Vincent
    The Italian Parliament : chambers in a crumbling house?
    In: Parliaments and Governments in Western Europe / edited by Philip Norton. . - London ; Portland : Cass, 1998. - p. 73-96

  • Di Napoli Mario
    The Italian Chamber of Fasci and Corporazioni : a substitute for Parliament in a totalitarian regime / Mario Di Napoli
    In: Repräsentation in Föderalismus und Korporativismus / Wilhelm Braunede, Elisabeth Berger (Hrsg.). - Frankfurt am Main : Peter Lang, 1998. - p. 253-265

  • Gerlich Peter
    Mosca and the parliamentarism
    In: Gaetano Mosca, scienza politica e regime rappresentativo nell'età contemporanea / a cura di Carlo Mongardini. . - Roma : Bulzoni, 1995. - p. 413-418

  • Cotta Maurizio
    The rise and fall of the "centrality" of the Italian Parliament : transformations of the executive-legislative subsystem after the Second World War
    In: Parliaments in the modern world : changing institutions / Gary W. Copeland and Samuel C. Patterson editors. - Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan Press, 1994. - p. 59-85

  • Italy
    In: Triumph of democracy : an overview of world Parliaments / C.K. Jain editor. . - New Delhi : CBS publishers, 1993. - p. 795-801

  • Cotta Maurizio
    The "centrality" of Parliament in a protracted democratic consolidation : the Italian case
    In: Parliament and democratic consolidation in Southern Europe : Greece, Italy, Portugal, Spain and Turkey / edited by Ulrike Liebert and Maurizio Cotta. . - London ; New York : Pinter, 1990. - p. 55-91

  • Morosetti Carlo
    Italy : function and composition of the Senato della Repubblica
    In: Conference of European speakers, London 1982 : summary report and documents. . - [London] : [s.n.], 1982. - p. 121-124
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